The 25 facts

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racism privacy Facebook Instagram blacklivesmatter politics
of the 100DaysToOffload challenge
25 facts of Facebook

I have over 4,000 emails, pictures, addresses, SMS... People just submitted it.
I don’t know why... Dumb fucks.

Mark Zuckerberg

- Dumb fucks!

- Dumb fucks ? You dumb fuck ! Fuck you!

Fuck your paid campaigns! Sharing moments with our friends was the only thing we wanted! Not being forced to pay to see our messages going through to connect with our contacts.

Fuck the advertising, grubbing for money and smiling at us behind our back.

Fuck your 22nd birthday and that memo stating women should wear T-shirts with your dumb face on it! Fucking spoiled kid !

Fuck your penny-pinching behaviour. You can’t even leave a decent tip. Stingy fucker!

Fuck you, bison I only eat what I kill Billy ! The world is not fucked up enough you have to kill animals yourself !?

Fuck WhatsApp and all its tracking tools. Brian Acton, should have never sold it to that evil company!

Fuck Instagram and their influencers! Most of them bragging about their incredible life and the number of followers they have - get a fucking job!

Fuck your classy manners. Poaching Sandberg for a long time and first thing you said about her is that she had a good skin.

Fuck Sandberg too! That evil pair of devils ultimate goal is profit over people.

Fuck you algorithms and that fucking PYMK recommending clients who did not know her true identity to a sex worker or a biological child to a sperm donor he never met. What’s FUCKING wrong with you ?!

Fuck your fidelity and how you fucked over your friends stealing their ideas. If I was Eduardo Saverin, I would have smacked your face.

Fuck Cambridge Analytica and the way you stole data of millions of persons and at the same time exposing more than 250 millions phone numbers in a security breach! Seriously … fuck you!

Fuck your tone of voice, so patronizing! “Calm down. Breathe. We hear you”. The only thing I smell is a huge whooper. You fucking liar.

Fuck illegal drug sales! Your fucking platform contains more than 1.5 million listing for illegal drugs alone! That’s 6 times more than the evil Silk Road. Ross Ulbricht got a life sentence for less than this.

Fuck your privacy policy! We won’t gob it so easily! On your side, you bought all the houses around your home to preserve your privacy but we should give it away!

Fuck stubborn idiots that drink your words without questioning themselves because they don’t have anything to hide.

Fuck your lack of security leading to numerous fake facts pages getting Trump elected. Well done Russia!

Fuck you and politicians spreading misinformation. You have tools to stop it! Just do it!

Fuck your meeting with Macron! We don’t need your fucking company to tackle hate speech!

Fuck your platform and the fact that you don’t want to block Trump’s messages encouraging violence.

Fuck your president arse-licker behaviour! Get a personality and act for human beings you fucker!

Fuck the Silicon Valley and all those data sucking companies. Let an earthquake crumble it, let the fires rage, let it burn to fucking ash and then let the waters rise and submerge this whole rat-infested place.

Fuck your lies! Since day one, it was always about lying to people and to companies using your fucking website.

No. No, fuck you, Zuckerberg! You could have it all, and you threw it away, you dumb fuck!

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